Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the limit on the amount of time you can exercise before you stop burning calories completely?

There has to be an upper limit on the amount of time you can work out before it becomes pointless because you stop burning up calories. What is this limit or does it exist? Is it more then 3 hours? I've always felt that after you've worked up a maximun sweat continuing to exercise no longer has any effect.|||To put it in the nicest way possible, I believe you have to use a little logic regarding burning calories. Lets put it in the way you believe the body works:

You work out for 2 hour. During that period, the muscles are working and need energy. The body thus provides energy by metabolising food, burning fat and muscle. After 3 hours, the muscles are still working - however, for some reason, the body no longer requires energy to fuel the muscles...

The truth is, if you're muscles are working... they need energy! As such, their is no limit to the amount of calories you can burn (within physical human limits, obviously).

In my long experience as a personal trainer, I can tell you it is at the point at which you are at a maximum is the point where the real gains are made. At this point, you are pushing your body past it's natural state, and so you force it to adapt in the next training sessions. Adaptation means either: bigger, effective, efficient muscles. Next time you train, these better muscles will then burn even more calories!

By the way, what is maximal sweat? Sweat has no relation to fat burning, by the way, as it is only a passive response to the body overheating! If that were the case, all you would have to do is sit in a sauna to get thin... (ain't gonna happen!)|||acai does not burn fat it gives u energy!!!!... so ya ur body can plattto so try different work outs.. u still burn but not as much cuz ur body becomes built for that activity..

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