Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is the limit to which a person can no longer run?

It's about a heallthy person, good physical shape. But i really want to know what is the limit to which a person can go on, no longer!|||Till you fall down to exaustion...then,you reached your limit.|||that would be unique to each individual, there is no quantified limit.|||There isn't a limit. The more gently you work out, the longer you can keep going. This principle applies to any physical activity, not just running.

Ultra-running is a sport that includes 'short' races such as the Comrades Marathon (twice the Marathon distance) that can be completed in under a day, and longer events. There isn't any upper limit; Bruce Tulloh ran (barefoot) right across the USA, and runners are always finding longer and longer challenges to aspire to.

Traditionally, mexico's Rarahipa (football race) is run in one go; the competitors don't stop to sleep. This limits the event, which ends when only one runner (and their ball) is still going. Usually, that's about three days.

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