Thursday, December 15, 2011

How often can credit card companies reduce my limit on my credit card?

I got a letter from a credit card company saying that they have reduced my credit limit without any previous warning. Is there a limit to how often can they do this? Can they do it how ever many times they wish? For example, once every six months/year?

Also, Is there any way to see it coming?|||They can increase or decrease your credit limit at any time and for any often as they wish.|||Credit card companies are back stepping with todays economy. Even people with great credit are seeing the same effects. The reason your getting the letter is probably because your debt to credit is over 30%. The split used to be 50/50 meaning you could have 50% of the credit used with 50% available but the economy has pushed it down to 30%.. By the way the big credit card scam now is that they charge you a monthly fee to monitor your credit. What most people dont know is Credit card companies pull your credit every 3 to 6 months anyhow. But they big identity theft scare is marketed so well that consumer pay for it. If your a victim of identity theft it doesnt matter if you find out today or 6 months from now the damage is already done. 1 Credit card company can make as much as 180 million a year just off of credit watch programs they charge you.|||There is technically no limit on how many time they can do it, but I wouldn't expect them to keep doing it. There is no warning, and you usually don't find out until it's already done. This has become a common practice that big banks have been doing even to customers who always pay on time, or even those who don't even carry a balance. If your account is in good standing, it was probably a one-time thing, otherwise it could continue.|||There is a way to see it coming.

This is what happens when you get too close to your avialble limit on your card.

There is only one way to use credit to get top scores.

You pay in full each month and never pay interest.

It is 100% myth that carrying high balances is good for you, when it actually causes utter devastation to your reports and to your career - since employers check.

Not sure where the rumor got started - I think its from ladies that shop online.

/|||There is no limit on how often they can do this. Theoretically, they could do it every five minutes, if they could afford the postage to send that many letters.|||The letter you received IS the warning.

Yes, they can lower your limit as they see fit.

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