Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do you limit bandwidth usage from a specific computer?

Router: Westell 327

I am the admin and am sharing the DSL line with a roommate. He likes to stream movies ALOT which takes away my bandwidth. How do I configure the QoS to limit his bandwidth usage?

Or, if that's not possible, is there a program that does it?|||I don't believe the Westell 327 has QoS firmware, so you can't. If I'm wrong, just set his port, his MAC or his computer (whichever the firmware lets you do) to low bandwidth, and yours to highest bandwidth. That gives your packets priority over his. (He may kill you though - watching a chopped up movie isn't fun.)

If the modem doesn't have the firmware, you'll need a router that does. I recommend d-Link or Linksys - anything else is a toy.

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